the Beverly Flower company
A mountain flower farm supplying florists and venues in North Carolina
We are so happy you are here...
The Beverly Flower Company provides the highest quality blooms and starter plants, organically grown, and hardened in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
We supply florists and event planners, and we grow speciality blooms for special occasions. If you would like to know more about us, visit “Our Story.”
Contact us through the form below for a quick reply, and thank you for stopping by.
2024 Garden Plan
Amaranthus, Pygmy Torch
Statice, Seeker Blue
Gladiolus, Garden Mixture
Snapdragon, Madame Butterfly bronze
Zinnia, Oklahoma Carmine
Dahlia, Speckled Rembrandt Mixture
Amaranthus, Green Thumb
Statice, Seeker Purple
Rudbeckia, Goldstrum
Snapdragon, Twinny bronze
Sedum, Autumn Joy
Statice, Apricot Beauty
French Marigold, Queen Sophia
Snapdragon, Twinny Appleblossom
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar
Lepidium, Persian Cress
Carnation, Marie Chabaud
Cosmos, Garden Mixture
Zinnia, Oklahoma Golden Yellow
Zinnia, Persian Carpet
Asiatic Lily, Regale
Dahlia, White Mixture
Roselily, Pink and White Mixture
Feverfew, Tetra White
Sunflower, Vincent’s Choice
Sunflower, White Lite
Sunflower, Gummy Bear
Sunfil, Green, F1